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Society & Culture | 17.03.2011

As part of the "WAY" - exhibition of artist Arben Kucana

In the rooms of the German Embassy in Tirana, hosted the exhibition "WAYS" of the Albanian-German painter Arben Kucana. The author presents his creative path as a bilateral relationship between the Albanian and German culture.

Roads that connect, split, tremble, as in a giant maze.. Ways they start and never arrive! Circuits that connect to each other and to stand alone yet. All in a fixed relationship to each other as the infinite dimension of time in which we live.

The painter's Arben Kucana life also resembles a road that seems not to be at the end. His new perspective began on 2 July 1990, when he went in as a refugee at the German Embassy in Tirana in search of a free world and also as a rebellion against the communist regime.
A infinite free space of art to Experiment get to know one opens the 23-year-old painter, whose talent had stifled the dogma of socialist realism.

Germany his adopted new country, he given the opportunity to form his new artistic identity. After more than 20 years, he returned to Albania to display in his country of origin with the language of his art experiences his living artistic way.

What symbolizes the "WAY" for the artist Arben Kucana?

The painter expresses his artistic credo for the selected topic: "The Ways are for me the time, where we live, where we move and the moment. I'm even in one " Abstract concept " also a part of the Way. For me, the way is nothing else than the sum of the souls and the figures, which meet in a specific location. This means in figurative terms, that certain signs and shapes form a whole. This is the "Way."

Germany in the avantgard of contemporary painting.

On this long way, Germany became an important station for the painter Arben Kucana. Especially the concepts of modern and contemporary art. "Germany has given a lot to my artistic Way." Above all, the ability to see the things, both concrete and abstract. In Germany I have learned, based on a concept to work. This experience, seen in artistic terms, has been a great happiness for me. Germany is for me the country that stands with his best painters in avantgarde of contemporary painting. This gives me the opportunity, concepts, new perspectives and new goals set. This is my way, shaped too through the new experiences of different circumstances, the painter says, "Kucana".

The universal value of the "Ways"

"WAY" are in the painting of Arben Kucana the artistic, aesthetic and philosophical expression of the times in which we live. It is not the way, where the society and the Individ physish go, but the way in which we move in its philosophical sense, are memories from the past and present experiences. In this ceremony, praised German Ambassador Carola Müller-Holtkemper, the philosophical and universal character of Arben Kucanas paintings. "With the paintings in this exhibition, can identify everyone because the works, show no human figures, but concepts," said Ms. Müller-Holtkemper.

Universal concepts printed in a variety of artistic forms.

Bujar Zajmi painter, former professor in the Art Liceum in Tirana, where Arben learned in the years 1980-1984, estimates the values that Germany gave to his former students. "He has really so much progressed. I like the diversity of artistic expression. In art, you always need new emotional situations and Arben has a lot of that. He is very cultured in the use of color. He has many extraordinary compositions in the form and color. Moreover, after so many years, he has not lost in the European sea, but has asserted itself with a decent level, "says the painter Bujar Zajmi.

The two times, the past in Albania and the present in Germany live together in the artistic consciousness of Arben Kucana and make him a very special artist. He paints pictures of different life ways, ways they start and never end but in emocional stories, impressions, dreams and realities remember.

Author: Ani Ruci
Editor: Lindita Arapi